
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Emma Dilemma Big Sister Poems By: Kristine O'Connell George Illustrated by: Nancy Carpenter

This collection of "Big Sister Poems" is a great read for all girls. When I was thinking of creating this blog I recalled one of my favorite poems in this book and sat for awhile trying to figure out which book it was in.  When I remembered it was from Emma Dilemma I quickly rechecked it out of the library so myself and the girls could enjoy it again!  Older girls can definitely relate to the big sister in this book Jessica and any little girls with big sisters can relate to Emma.  Both of my girls attention was fixed on the poems from start to finish. My littlest daughter Emma is so much like the Emma character in this book that we started calling her Emma Dilemma for awhile!

The poems create a full story that leads you into the lives of these two sisters and how they love, play, protect and annoy each other.  The poems do a great great job of showing how kids go through daily life and all the craziness that unfolds.  The humorous tone lends itself to help both parents and children relate to this book. Not to mention the sincerity of their relationship through the good and the bad.  You never doubt their love for one another and you see that a lot in these poems in daily small offerings of kindness.

So if you have little girls or you are a sister please read this book!  You will enjoy it!  Isabela wanted to add that her favorite poems are "Funny", "Not Funny", and "Sharing".  (Then she started picking more and more and eventually the whole book ended up being her favorite!)

My favorite poem in this book is pictured at the right of the page and is called :

Picture Books:
When I read
my picture books
to Emma, 
I feel 
as if 
I'm visiting old friends.

I don't think you can say it any better than that!

To learn more about the author of Emma Dillema or to learn about her other books visit her at :

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